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Kristen Day knows that for the Democratic Party to win, we must expand our reach beyond Washington, New York, and Los Angeles. She understands Democrats in the heartland and will help lead our party back to our core values.

— Congressman Dan Lipinksi (D-IL)

If the DNC is serious about fixing its mistakes and enlarging the tent, Kristen Day is the best choice for Vice-Chair.

— Justin Giboney
AND Co-Founder & DNC Delegate

Kristen Day understands the needs and desires of working-class Democrats across the nation. She'll bring unity to this diverse party and help lead us to victory.

— Rev. Harriet Bradley
SEIU Labor Organizer

The only thing preventing me from voting for most Democrats is their insistence that it is a right to kill unborn babies. Kristen Day as vice chair shows Democrats across the nation that being a Democrat is about more than considering killing unborn babies a right. We can improve healthcare, promote LGBT+ rights, protect the environment, and protect unborn lives. — Benjamin Hutchison

As a former Ingham County Commissioner, I firmly endorse Kristin Day for the office of Vice Chair of the Democratic National Committee. She will help lead us back to victory in future elections because she is the only candidate for the job that truly believes in inclusion and the "big tent" inclusion program is a successful strategy for winning back our citizens who voted republican because they felt their values were rejected, not even tolerated the party. Let's get back to "the Democratic Party is a pro-choice party with Pro-Life people in it," as Former Pennsylvania Governor Robert P. Casey, Sr. use to say, and not purge our democratic pro-life brothers and sisters and welcome them back into our party. Kristin Day will lead that effort. I strongly endorse her candidacy for Vice Chair of the Democratic National Committee in 2025. — Victor Celentino

I endorse Ms. Kristen Day as Vice Chairperson of the Democratic Party. She brings an inclusive justice dimension respectful of all life. — Bruce Nieli

I believe Kristen Day will be a powerful way forward for the Democratic Party. She represents a moral philosophy that is more on tune with mainstream America. Her values will attract many who voted Republican, especially in this past election. — Rolland Coutinho

Kristen Day is committed to building up the Democratic Party. She is a tireless worker and a welcoming soul. The Democratic Party needs her to expand its coalition so that it can win more elections and regain the power to promote the common good throughout our nation and the world. — Robert Synk

Kristen will make an excellent DNC Vice-Chair, as she is committed to the core underlying principles of the Democratic Party. In contrast to the Democratic Party's loses in the 2024 General Election, her success in leading Democrats for Life of America this last election cycle shows that she has the leadership to lead and open the tent larger for the Democratic Party nationally. Anthony R. Gordon, Esq. Attorney at Law Reno, Nevada — Anthony R. Gordon

The Democratic Party needs to truly live up to its “Big Tent” status by allowing pro lifers to truly have a voice. That is why I can think of no better person for Vice Chair than Kristen Day. — Tyler Harris

I endorse Kristen Day to be the next DNC vice chair. It's time for the Democratic Party to return to the days of being a Big Tent Party. I have been a lifelong member of the Democratic Party. It's time for the Democratic elite to stop finger pointing because of the disappointing results of the 2024 election and to unite instead. In Texas the Democratic Party just hands over the state representative positions to the Republicans by ignoring the conservative and evangelical Democrats who reside in rural counties as if their votes do not count. Because of this attitude Texas will remain a red state for years to come. This is inspite of the growing numbers of Hispanic and Black voters because many of them are being recruited by the Republican party who do not take their votes for granted. — David Martinez

Democrats need to be more tolerant and create a bigger tent! — Julie Fissinger

Kristen believes in truly giving women a choice, not using abortion as shortcut to solve social problems. Women should not need to chose between their futures and motherhood. They deserve the resources and support to empower them to have both. — Aaron Pauwels

We need to open up the Democratic Party to a greater diversity of opinion so it will be strong enough to fight the MAGA crowd and win. Being pro-choice and being pro-abortion are not the same thing. We need toisten to and accept both sides of this issue. — Shirley Starke

I wholeheartedly endorse Kristen Day for Vice Chair of the Democratic National Committee. We need to be a “big tent” party. I believe more people will feel free to become democrats if Ms. Day is elected Vice Chair. I became a Democrat because of DFLA. — Nancy Spahr

I endorse Kristen Day for the DNC vice chair position. — Denise Mackura

Establishment Democrats and Republican alike favor militarism and war which produces mass abortions world wide every year, usually killing the mothers along with the unborn. In endorsing Kristen Day for Vice Chair of the Democratic Party, I hope she will be consistent in opposing ALL abortion.---Mark Scibilia-Carver — Mark scibilia-carver

Kristen will open the door to a large number of democrats who have been alienated by decades of ineffective, tone deaf leadership that assumes what the electorate wants rather than listening to their real concerns. — Wendy Alsup

I fully endorse Kristen Day for DNC Vice Chair. — Michael Tada

Kristen Day — Jennifer Tallent

Opening the big tent to pro life people who agree with everything else the Democratic Party stands for except abortion could win you the election next time. I am endorsing Kristen Day for this reason. — Elaine Albury

I agree that those of us who support life should be included in the democrat program. I back Day for chair — Rose Rossi-Williams

A politician being pro - choice is a deal breaker for me. With the current environment the way it is, I may vote all-democrat if all democrats were pro life (and pacifists/unlikely to go to war). I have never felt very comfortable in the republican party and now they have gone off the deep-end (and being weak on the issue of life), consistent life is progressive issue, and I would really like progressive options and more options rather than a almost uniformly pro choice party! Please elect Kristen Day as a Pro Life DNC Chair, lets make a world free from killing that respects all human life, in all its diversity of every race, creed, gender, stage of development, ability, and sexual orientation! — Christopher Greeley

My husband and I endorse Kristen Day for DNC Vice Chair. It is long past time that the Democratic Party stopped disdaining those of us who agree with many principles - but not every far-left thought. We left the party because we are pro-life and felt unwelcome. If the party wants us back, it will have to respect our views. Electing Kristen Day would go a long way toward assuring us that we would not be demonized for our closely held religious views. — Jane Nachazel-Ruck

I endorse Kristen Day to be our next Democratic party Vice chair for three reasons. #1-I am pro-choice but I feel the Democratic party has leaned too close to pro-abortion and that is not my stance. I believe every abortion is a tragedy but abortion is also a reality and the decision must be (up to a certain point) made between the patient and the doctor and it must be done in a safe efficient medical facility. #2-I support Democrats for Life for the Whole Life goal of reinserting in our Democratic National platform the language of the year 2000 Democratic platform, concerning abortion. #3-I am in full support of the ban on abortion in most cases after 20 weeks. 20 weeks is anywhere between 4 and 5 months if by this stage in a women's pregnancy the individual has not decided on terminating the pregnancy then besides rare life-saving circumstances the people have a duty to defend the life of the child. Though I may have certain disagreements with Democrats for Life for the Whole Life,I do not know anyone who is an alignment perfectly on any issue, but as a whole I support (from my understanding)their main goals which I believe are the ones I have listed. — Dylan Baade

Kristen Day has been an effective activist for the Democratic Party for years. She will move the Party in the direction of becoming the Big Tent that it used to be when it could win elections. — Bill Dean

Kristen Day will bring an inclusive voice to the Democratic party. Kristen is well spoken on the topic of pro life issues,but also humble and willing to work with others to get to a realistic way forward. I am a pro life Democrat and there are times I have voted Republican due to the extreme Democratic party's views on a abortion. — Janice Morris

I endorse Kristin Day as DNC Vice Chair. — Sara Adams

I have been a Democrat my whole adult life. It was originally because I wasn't a fan of Ronald Reagan, but now I find President Trump's "leadership" disturbing and occasionally disgusting. I am also a pro-life Christian, so putting Kristen Day in the top ranks of the DNC sounds like a good step for the party and this movement. Go for it! — Paul Fergus

I agree with Kristen Day. In order to be prolife, we must support children in the womb and all children with their families for all of life - from conception to old age. Parties thrive when many viewpoints are respected. This makes sense for persons in every party — Marie Sibenik

I endorse Kristen Day to serve as a Vice Chair for the DNC. It is time to include someone in DNC leadership who can help the Party regain some people it has been losing. — Kathy Kelly
Maryland chapter director, Democrats for Life


Democratic Party values are about inclusiveness. Life issues matter to a large number of persons who once called themselves Democrats. Democrats need a bigger tent. Kristin is a strong voice for collaboration and regrowing our majority. — Mark Carlson

I endorse Kristen Day for DNC Vice Chair! — Steve Lucke

Kristen Day for Dem Vice Chair (Viva chair!) — judith reichsman

Kristen Day is committed to the struggle for social justice and embodies a consistent ethics of life. Just what we need! — James Hanink
Professor (ret.)

I endorse Kristen Day for vice chair. We need a big tent party that includes pro-life voices. This is essential to defeating Republicans. And defeating Republicans is crucial for saving us from fascism. — Vibha Sazawal

I endorse Kristen Day for DNC vice chair. She embodies the values and integrity that we need in that position. — Philip Watson

I heartily agree that the Democratic Party would be stronger and broader if it would include and listen to the “whole life” perspective, that Kristan Day is a very articulate and politically astute representative of that group. If she is willing to negotiate a more nuanced compromise position herself, so should and can the strident “pro-abortion” wing which now gets all the attention. — Craig Tenney

Kristen Day would work to make the party competitive again in the South — John Killian

Kristen Day — Miles Woodhull

I am a consistent contributor to Democratic campaigns unless they mention abortion rights. I am pro-women, pro-life, I endorse Kristin Day for vice-chair of the DNC. It would be good to be heard! — Judith Graper

I support ethnic and cultural diversity in the democratic party. I also encourage having prolife voices within the party of the immigrant and disenfranchised. We had room for differing views a generation ago. We should be so open minded today. Mrs. Day would be a refreshing ideological shift to more complete party platform. — Anthony Cucuzella

As a lifelong Democrat, I long to be able to vote Democratic again. I would do so if our party were once again open to life, or even just to those who defend it. Kristen's advice is desperately needed if we are to return to standing up for everybody, and to electoral victories. — Prof. Richard Stith
Professor of Law Emeritus

I support Kristen Day for DNC Vice Chair to demonstrate that the Democratic Party is a big tent party and one that does not require a litmus test. — MARK ROBINSON
Social Work Administrator, retired

I endorse Kristen Day for DNC Vice Chair. Sincerely, Albert J. Fecko — Albert Fecko

Dems need to open the tent to proLifers. — Barbara Ballenger

I support Kristin Day for vice chair of the DNC. Pro-Life Dems are winning local races around the country and continuing to exclude Pro-Life Dems from the DNC is not a winning strategy. Kristin is an effective leader and a bridge builder between Pro-Life & Pro-Choice Dems. — George Laney

Kristen Day is passionate about two things - the Democratic Party and the right to life for the Whole Life. Millions of potential voters are alienated by the party's unwavering support for abortion on demand, and Kristen represents a common - sense approach to engaging these citizens in discussion. She has singlehandedly led the Democrats for Life in America to success in multiple elections, as moderate, pro-life candidates have been victorious. I heartily endorse her candidacy, — Kevin Murray M.D.
retired physician, volunteer

I enthusiastically endorse Kristen Day to be the DNC Vice Chair. Let’s take the party back from those who advocate exterminating the most vulnerable homosapiens. Let’s quit culling those with disabilities and minorities. Let’s win back our Congress and the Presidency! Go Kristen!! Sincerely, Susan Reutman — Susan Reutman
Volunteer Assistant Professor, College of Medicine, Dept of Environmental & Public Health

Thank you, Kristen for all you do. Hope we can get a massive number of Democrats to support you and the DFLA. — Douglas Seger

The dignity human life has for us will correlate directly with the value the source of human life has for us. If human life is a by-product of what is basically a means of self-gratification, then what is the value of a human life? Abortion is a direct result of the sexual revolution. To succeed, the sexual revolution needed a 100% effective form of contracepton; 99% won't do. And there is only one 100% effective form of contraception: kill the baby. Reproductive freedom ends when reproduction has taken place. Perhaps other planets are different. but on this planet, reproduction occurs at conception. Life is a constant state of an organism's self-development. By what criterion do we choose that only at a certain stage of development, it becomes wrong to kill a human organism that is complete by the standard of what it is supposed to be at the stage of development it has reached? Only by a criterion that makes something other than that human life a higher value than human life itself. Every stage of development is of value relative to the organism itself. If we can kill a human organism at a certain stage, we are measuring the value of that stage for our own benefit, not for the benefit of the other human organism. So the good of another human organism is less important to us than our own good. And I could go on. — John C Cahalan

The Democratic Party has become too exclusive. It needs to be truly a "Big Tent". There are so many voters that have been lost to the party because, no matter what other issues they may support, the party dismisses them if they are pro-life. The party is going to need all the votes it can muster leading up to the mid-term election. — Mignon Manelli

I endorse Kristen Day as DNC vice chair Sincerely George Cooley — George Cooley

The Democratic Party must broaden its tent! — Warren Miller

Kristen Day is hard working and a faithful Democrat. She will expand the Democratic Party's "Big Tent" to include the 20% of Democrats who are Pro-Life. Her presence on the DNC as a Vice Chair will be a start to representing the millions of Democrats who are committed to the Democratic Platform except for its support of abortion. You need her. We need her. Help her to help us make the Democratic Party what we need for our country and for the world now and for the future. I support all the votes needed to make her a DNC Vice Chair. — Brian Kenny

Open the tent for Ms. Day — Glenn Slaby

As the Democratic Party strives to build a more inclusive coalition, we need leaders who champion unity, bridge ideological divides, and bring every voice to the table. I strongly endorse Kristen Day for Vice-Chair of the Democratic National Committee. As the president of Democrats for Life of America, Kristen Day has spent years advocating for the often-overlooked pro-life wing of the Democratic Party. She is a tireless advocate for consistent ethics that prioritize social justice and the dignity of all human life. Her leadership has demonstrated that the Democratic Party can be a home for those who believe in economic justice, healthcare access, and policies supporting women, children, and families while upholding a pro-life perspective. By electing Kristen Day as Vice-Chair, the Democratic Party would signal a true commitment to diversity of thought, a broader tent, and an openness to Democrats who feel politically homeless. Her voice would be instrumental in energizing voters who align with progressive values but have felt sidelined by the party’s narrowing ideological scope. At a time of unprecedented political division, Kristen Day represents a path toward dialogue, inclusion, and principled leadership. She understands that the Democratic Party's strength lies in its ability to welcome differing perspectives while remaining committed to policies that uplift society's most vulnerable. I urge all DNC members to support Kristen Day for Vice Chair. Under her leadership, we can build a stronger, more inclusive Democratic Party that truly represents the full spectrum of its voters. — Jackson Arcuri

I endorse Kristen Day for DNC Vice Chair. — Diane St.Germain

Kristen Day is a tireless tenacious warrior for whole life. We need her influence in the Democratic Party! — Terry Fife

Kristen Day — Nancy Shanafelt

I am endorsing Kristen Day to head the Democratic Party. I am an Independent because of my belief in the sanctity of life. If the Democratic party leaned more in that direction, my guess is that your numbers would increase dramatically because I know many who vote Republicans into office mainly because of their pro-life stance. If God created a life in the womb of the mother, who are we to say He made a mistake? — Nancy Holmes

My wife and I are active in our church, and a great many parishioners told us this past election that they voted for Trump because of the abortion issue. Some latina ladies whom my wife knows called Kamala Harris "QUEmala" (how bad in spanish) because of her emphasis on abortion being okay at any stage of pregnancy. Kristen Day is absolutely correct that Democrats must have more of an accepting attitude toward pro-life, as the party platform did 20 years ago, in order to win more elections. I whole-heartedly endorse her for DNC vice chair position. — Eugene Nagle

I, like many other voters, am pro-life, want fair treatment of all immigrants, equal pay for women, fair labor practices, more restrictions on gun ownership, and more equity in income distribution. I’m pleased to endorse Kristin Day for DNC Vice Chair. J. Mack-Crane — J Mack-Crane

I endorse Kristen Day for Vice Chair — Von Morgan

Instead of demonizing Democrats, if pro-lifers really want to end abortion, it’s going to have to be bipartisan. I told Jim Frey of Berkeley Pro-Life over a decade ago that we (Democrats) never see pro-lifers venture beyond their own base. Rather than reach across the aisle to Democrats, feminists, liberals, etc., and try to bring them on board with protecting unborn children, they just play to the same old Ronald Reagan / Oliver North crowd. If pro-lifers really want to end abortion, opposition to abortion must come from across the political spectrum. Pro-lifers are going to have to venture beyond their own base and convince Democrats, feminists, liberals etc. to distinguish abortion from arguably victimless crimes like marijuana; to argue on secular grounds that the unborn are persons (secular arguments are religion-neutral, and thus applicable to everyone, including atheists and agnostics) and convince Democrats, feminists, liberals, etc. to see the killing of the unborn on par with domestic violence, hate crimes against LGBTs, etc.; and make the case to Americans that it’s possible to protect prenatal life without taking to draconian measures violating a new mother’s privacy and civil liberties in this regard. Robert Casey, the former Democratic governor of Pennsylvania, said he believed a pro-life liberal Democrat would easily be elected president: conservatives would vote for a pro-lifer, and liberals would vote for a Democrat articulating opposition to abortion as a secular and nonsectarian civil rights issue. In 1994, even archconservative Pat Buchanan had kind words for Robert Casey! If pro-life Democrats had greater visibility in past decades, perhaps Carol Crossed would have been the first female speaker of the House. After the 2016 election losses, Nancy Pelosi admitted that the Democratic Party’s support of abortion has not been a winning issue. Pelosi spoke to the Washington Post about whether her party should support pro-life candidates or require that candidates support easy access to taxpayer-funded abortions through all nine months of pregnancy. Struggling after heavy election losses in 2016, many in the Democratic Party were debating whether to support pro-life candidates, especially in rural areas where voters tend to be pro-life. Some, like Pelosi, appear to be recognizing that the party’s support of abortion-on-demand-up-to-birth is losing them voters. Unfortunately, rather than seeing the abortion issue as a real loser for Democrats, especially in red states (crucial with winning the Electoral College!), Pelosi blamed Hillary Clinton’s loss on pro-life voters themselves! Clinton supported the unpopular platform of forcing taxpayers to directly fund abortions, and she promised to nominate Supreme Court justices who would uphold Roe v. Wade and abortion on demand up until birth, if elected. Pelosi told the Washington Post : “You know what? That’s why Donald Trump is president of the United States—the evangelicals and the Catholics, anti-marriage equality, anti-choice. That’s how he got to be president. Everything was trumped, literally and figuratively by that.” Pelosi, who supports abortion but describes herself as a Catholic, said many in her Catholic family are pro-life. She also mentioned U.S. Sen. Bob Casey from Pennsylvania, a Democrat with a mixed record on abortion. “You think I’m kicking them out of the Democratic Party?” Pelosi said. Jay Ware, a black Democrat in Illinois, said on the Democrats For Life email list as early as 2004 that it should be automatic: just as the Republican Party supports pro-choice candidates like Rudy Giuliani and Arnold Schwarzenegger in blue states like New York and California where pro-lifers can’t win and even has Republican president George W. Bush campaign for them, Jay Ware said the Democratic Party should similarly support pro-life Democrats in red states where pro-choicers can’t win, and have Democratic presidents campaign for pro-life Democrats, etc. “The moral test of government is how it treats those who are in the dawn of life, the children; those who are in the twilight of life, the aged; and those who are in the shadows of life, the sick, the needy and the handicapped.” –Hubert H. Humphrey Fifty-nine percent of Democrats favored a ban on partial-birth abortion. (Gallup Poll, November 1, 2000) Eighty-nine percent of Americans favored informed consent for women seeking abortions. (Gallup Poll, 2002) Sixty-seven percent of Democrats would outlaw some or all abortions. (Gallup Poll, May 5-7, 2003) Forty-three percent of Democrats agreed with the statement that abortion”destroys a human life and is manslaughter.” (Zogby Poll, December 2004) Seventy percent of high school senior females say they would not consider abortion if they became pregnant while in high school. (Hamilton College/Zogby Poll, January 2008) Seventy-seven percent of Americans believe abortion should have stricter limitations. (CBS News Poll, January 2008) Twenty-nine percent of Democratic Convention delegates disagreed with the statement, “Abortion should be generally available to those who want it rather than under stricter limits or not permitted.” However, 52 percent of Democratic voters as a whole disagreed. This large discrepancy between party leadership and membership indicates a serious problem that Democrats For Life of America wants to rectify. During the 2008 campaign, Reverend Jim Wallis (of Sojourners) advised Barack Obama to support a plank in the Democratic Party Platform that would aim to reduce abortions by focusing on supporting low income women and making adoption easier. (This is the 95-10 Initiative, advanced by pro-life Democrats in Congress.) Reverend Tony Campolo served on the Platform Committee and has issued a strong statement in support of a pro-life position. A “conscience clause” which appeared in the 2000 Democratic Platform (but not in 2004) acknowledges that there are pro-life people in our Party and we respect their views. It reads as follows: “We respect the conscience of each American and recognize that members of our Party have deeply held and sometimes differing positions on issues of personal conscience, like abortion and the death penalty. We recognize the diversity of views as a source of strength and we welcome into our ranks all Americans who may hold differing positions on these and other issues.” Kristen Day of Democrats For Life said in 2014, “Roughly a third of the Democratic Party is pro-life. And while many do not call themselves liberal, they share the values which seem to identify with liberalism, particularly a commitment to helping the vulnerable and providing a social safety net.” The Democratic Party platform should support: Animal Rights, Defending the Affordable Care Act, Ending Citizens United, Ending Marijuana Prohibition, Giving Greater Visibility to Pro-Life Democrats, Gun Control, Net Neutrality, Raising the Minimum Wage to $15 an Hour, Responding to the Scientific Consensus on Global Warming, and a Sustainable Energy Policy. Democrats for Life of America, 10521 Judicial Drive, #200, Fairfax, VA 22030, (703) 424-6663 — Vasu Murti

I believe Kristen Day is the best candidate for Vice Chair of the DNC — Jane Chaya

I endorse Kristin Day for Vice-Chair of the Democratic Party. — Archie A Williams III
Lead of the Utah Democrats for life in America

We endorse Kristen Day for DNC Vice Chair and believe she would bring invaluable insight and energy to the Democratic Party throughout the United States. We have known Kristen for 20 years. — William and Angela Elliott

I agree whole heartedly with the Kristen's work for the creation of a more pro-life, democratic party. Pro-life fits with the ethos of the democratic party in a consistent way, and this point of view deserved wider attention and discussion — Greg Severn
Dr. Greg Severn

Our Party is for all people concerned with the well-being of all of our citizens. I'm a proud Democrat and realize like Kristen does, that turning away people with reservations about abortion is not the best way to build our party. Perhaps I also differ with several of Kristen's positions related to abortion rights, but I do share her wish that one day abortion will truly be a last resort and I admire her willingness to remain a Democrat in these polarized times. — John Bullough
Treasurer, City of Troy Democratic Committee

I think Kristen will be a fine DNC Vice Chair. We need pro-life / whole life leaders in the big tent. — William Thelen

Her issues are my issues to getting the Democrat Party back to representing a broad range of the American population . It can be done. — Lloyd Green

I endorse Kristen for DNC Vice Chair for her experience in Democratic politics, and for her love of serving the communities the Democratic Party seeks to protect! — Edwin Garcia-Arzola
2020 DNC At-Large Delegate (Alternate)

I am a life long Democrat - 79 years old - member of DFLA I am a Third Order Franciscan The 900 pound gorilla in the room is abortion. President Clinton had it right, make abortion safe, legal and rare. What does this mean, not forcing my morals on some one else, but providing an aggressive Social Safety Net that eliminates the perceived need for an abortion. Kristen Day is the absolute best choice for DNC Vice Chair — JAMES MYRES OFS

Her issues are my issues to getting the Democrat Party back to representing a broad range of the American population . It can be done. — Lloyd Green

President Obama said, "What I want to try to do is unify the two wings of the Democratic Party. What's considered the more progressive wing of the Democratic Party - the more centrist wing of the party. I think we can craft an approach that is more American, pro-worker, pro-business, pro-growth." The current DNC needs to hear more voices from both the heartland and the heart. Kristen Day is the embodiment of this approach. — Wade Thompson
Board Member, Democrats for Life of America
Mary Paplham
Bonnie Oldre
Mary Dingley
Edward Rooney
Isaac Buckley
Stephen Velott
Katherine Holler
Marie Christian
David Laroche
Patrick Mahoney
Sally Beck
Ed Gruver
Edmund LoPresti
Brian McCorry
Joseph m kristofl
Ben M
Andrea Asteroid
Glenn Slaby
Nancy Holmes
John Killian

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